Windham Regional Commission Representatives
Kara Halpern
Windham Regional Commission
In the absence of county government, we provide the essential link between local, state and federal government. We are a public entity, constituted by law and required to meet statutory obligations.
We are an important resource to the 27 towns of the Windham Region in Windham, Windsor, and Bennington counties. Our mission is to assist towns in Southeastern Vermont to provide effective local government and work cooperatively with them to address regional issues. Towns choose to be members of the WRC
There are 11 regional planning commissions in the state. The WRC was the first, established in 1965. The state’s purpose in creating regional planning commissions was to:
Promote economic development, increasing jobs and income; Preserve the natural beauty of Vermont; Obtain and maintain efficiency in government expenditure; Safeguard and extend local autonomy in planning and development decisions.
Taken from windhamregional.org