By Appointment:
Phone: 802.824.4449

Greg Carroll
Term: 3 years
Term Exp: 2027

Dan Hanenberg
Term: 1 year
Term Exp: 2026

Jeff Seymour Term: 3years
Term Exp: 2028



The lister is charged with determining the value of the real and personal property in the town on which the selectboard will set a tax rate necessary to raise the money to pay for town services, the maintenance of town highways, and the schools.

Each town must have one lister for a term of three years whom is elected by ballot, unless the town voted to eliminate the town lister and contract with or employ a professional qualified assessor.  A town may vote to elect two additional listers for terms of one year each.

The lister is directed to appraise all taxable property in the town at 100 percent of the fair market value.

The lister holds grievance hearings for those taxpayers who wish to contest their appraisals.  Decisions of the listers may be appealed to the board of civil authority and the listers may appear before the board to defend the appraisals in question.

For more information, refer to

Taken from Vermont League of Cities & Towns 

Online Tax Mapping Service

An online tax mapping service is now available at the link below. This service enables homeowners and real estate professionals to query, browse, report and print tax maps of properties in town. The software has excellent help features to guide you in its use.