Green Up Vermont
What is Green Up Day?
Green Up Day, always the first Saturday in May, was launched in 1970 by Governor Deane Davis. In 1979, the non-profit organization Green UpVermont was formed to carry on the tradition of Green Up Day. It is an annual statewide event, when over 22,000 volunteers come together to remove litter from Vermont’s roadsides and public spaces.
Green Up’s mission is to promote the stewardship of our state’s natural landscape and waterways and the livability of our communities by involving people in Green Up Day and raising public awareness about the benefits of a litter-free environment.
Taken from greenupvermont.org
Although Green-Up is traditionally held on the first Saturday in May, volunteers may obtain bags and get started on clean-up of the roadsides before that day. For more information, please contact Weston's Green-Up Coordinator, Peter Areson (aresonp@gmail.com).