Public Notice: Town Plan Public Meeting. Click Here to view notice
Weston Community Flood Resilience Conversations
Click here to view the Weston Community Flood Resilience Conversations meeting on YouTube.
File your Homestead Declaration and Property Tax Credit Claim online by April 15, 2025:
Transfer Station Punch cards and Annual Permit are available here during regular office hours.
Committee Vacancies to apply click here.
Sign up for VT Alerts here . VT-ALERT is used by the state and local responders to notify the public of emergency situations.
Burn permits are required in advance of burning yard debris, etc. Please contact a Fire Warden BEFORE you burn anything. Click HERE for contact information.
The Weston Town Clerk’s Office is open from 9 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday.
Masks are optional.
We are open for researchers by appointment, one at a time due to space limitations. Please call first (802) 824-6645 to make an appointment and estimate the amount of time you will need.
Book 64 to the current book may be reviewed and printed from the Land Records Portal (link to left). Lister Cards may be printed out online - link in orange box on left “Weston Tax Maps”.
Weston Residents & Property Owners: We can always help you over the phone or by mail/email, we can leave an envelope with your name on it at the front door, and we have a drop box on the door for you to leave items for us after hours.
Town Office Hours: 9 am to 2 pm Monday-Friday. Closed on major holidays; delayed opening or closure may occur due to inclement weather.
Selectboard Meetings: Monthly 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Held in person and via ZOOM GNAT-TV.org is on Comcast Channels: 1074, 1084 and 1094 or listen on Gnat-TV.org
Planning Commission Meetings: Monthly on 1st Monday at 6 pm. Held in person and via ZOOM. If the 1st Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be held the following Monday.
Development Review Board: Monthly on 1st Wednesday at 5:00 pm.
To View Open Meeting Law Click Here
To view Open Meeting Law FAQs Click here
Mountain Towns Recreation