Vermont 2-1-1
Vermont 2-1-1 is the number you dial to find out about hundreds of important community resources, like emergency food and shelter, disability services, counseling, senior services, healthcare, child care, drug and alcohol programs, legal assistance, transportation needs, educational and volunteer opportunities, and much more.
Neighborhood Connections
Neighborhood Connections is a non-profit organization offering preventative health care, health education and social services. We proudly serve the communities of Londonderry, Weston, Andover, Windham, Winhall, Jamaica, Landgrove, Peru and Bondville. Contact by email at info@neighborhoodconnectionsvt.org or by phone at 802.824.4343
Taken from Vermont211.org Taken from NeighborhoodConnectionsVT.org
Just Neighbors
Just Neighbors is a volunteer organization dedicated to assisting our neighbors in crisis by ensuring that individuals have basic life necessities. We support individuals, families, and seniors in meeting their housing, transportation, safety, health, and security needs. Just Neighbors provides its services to residents of Andover, Bondville, Landgrove, Londonderry, South Londonderry, Peru, Weston, Winhall, and Windham in Vermont.
Taken from JustNeighborsvt.org Contact Us: Just Neighbors, VT
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support
Alzheimer Support (https://www.alzheimersupport.com/memory-care/vermont/). Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists Weston families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through our free search tool and database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the Weston area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.
Taken from https://www.alzheimersupport.com/memory-care/vermont/